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'Minimalism Bandwagon'

Like most people these days I have hopped on the grandiose adventure called the minimalism bandwagon.

I think what most attracted me to this process is that I have always like the designer rooms that you see in magazines and envied what I like to call the 'true city folk'. The common elements about these derringer rooms and these folk's homes are that they are simplicity, they don't have a lot in their rooms, they have stuffed in them but there is not a lot of clutter. Think about the homes in the 1950's, they are very simple, they didn't need much.

I grew up in a small town and I tend to carry things around with me despite not really needing them veruses the city folk who do not tend to hold on to a lot. I do crave to have less in my home and in life so I do believe that minimalism is for me and is the way to achieve the ultimate goal of what I want.

Its a slow ever changing process but here are some things that I have learned since I have started to research and go through the process myself:

1. You make the rules - minimalism is different for everyone. It doesn't necessarily have to involve a capsule wardrobe, and you certainly don't need to have x amount of shirts or x amount of plates or anything like that.

2. Time - It doesn't matter if it takes you 5 days, weeks or years to do it, as long as you are working towards your end goal that's perfect. Just keep the process going. Do not slow down.

3. Minimalism, tiny house living as well as alternative living are all very similar but different so try not to confuse them, so you don't insult others.

4. Having a lot of things can become overwhelming and instead of just appreciating the things you have or utilizing your own products. For example if you are a reader and you have a lot of books to read that you own, you may not settle down and choosing 1 book to read, instead you will go to the store and buy a new one to read. Or you may have to much choice for a craft project and instead of picking one to do, you go buy a new one to work on. The potential problem with this is that you may just ultimately end up with a bunch of half finished books or craft projects to do.

5. Having less does that a lot of choice out of your life in a way but it does make you appreciate what you do have.

6. If you end up throwing something out that you wish you didn't or you just need something right away, remember that you can replace everything that you own. It may not be the one that your originally had but at least you can replace it. If ever in doubt remind yourself that you have access to the internet so you can therefore order anything online, go out to the store now it all depends on the time of time, there are stores which are open 24 hours a day its just the price point that you will be making.

7. Have a goal in mind of what you want to accomplish with minimalism. Do you want to have a house like looks a show home or out of a magazine? Do you strive to be a nomad? Do you want to just get rid of the idea of the storage closet?

8. It's more about the experience then the stuff. Getting more 'culture' never hurt anyone. One way to look at it is at social events, it always looks more attractive, and starts more conversations instead of judgement when you talk about that concert, show, play or festival that you went to instead of that new electronic or that new kitchen gadget that was the 'must have'.

I hope you enjoy my two sense on the subject! I hope that your minimalism journeys go fantastic and on the schedule that you like!

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