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Are You a Saver or a Tosser?

Are you a saver or a tosser? You could say that it's not what you have but what you save. Is money really there to spend would you spend it? How much money is to much money?

How much money do you need to have to live comfortable?

How much money each person needs is different, we all have different needs and wants in life. We all have different desires. Where you want to live is different and it all cost different amounts. What we all want is different. Comfort is different for everyone. Do you want to live or experience a certain life style? Would you want to live out of your car or on the streets? Would you stay in a hostel, cheap hotel or does the number of stars a place has really matter to you?

If you won the lottery, do you think people would really come out of the 'wood work and would want to be your friend? Does money really change who you are? How much money does it take to change someone?

If you purchase a lot of things, how often to you donate things? Do you donate the things you don't need anymore? Do you hoard things? How often do you 'spring clean'?

If you save your money is there something that you are saving it for? Would you just save money to save money? What in life are you trying to save up for? In your opinion what is the best thing you can safe money?

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