Quote of the Day
"Great hopes make great men."
Thomas Fuller
Writing Prompt of the Day
Are You a Novelty-Seeker?
Joke of the Day
What happens when a cop gets into bed?
He becomes an undercover cop.
Day's Conversation Starter
What is the most memorable lesson you learned from your parents?
Top Fun Fact
Hanna-Barbera pitched The Flintstones to networks for 8 weeks before it was finally picked up. It became the first ever animated show to air during primetime.
History Fact
In South Korea in 1968, while four brothers were out searching for firewood, they stumbled across the camp of a group of North Korean commandos on a mission to assassinate the South Korean president. The commandos lectured them on the benefits of communism and spared their lives, but both of their missions failed as the brothers, unconverted, alerted the police.