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Today's Dippit!

Quote of the Day

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

Theodore Roosevelt

Writing Prompt of the Day

Would You Want to Be a Space Tourist?

Joke of the Day

Coffee has a rough time in our house. It gets mugged every single morning!

Day's Conversation Starter

How often do you curse?

Top Fun Fact

A woman tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. She jumped from the 86th floor but was blown back onto the 85th floor by a gust of wind.

Standing almost 1,500 feet tall, there’s no way anyone could survive that fall.

However, when Elvita Adams tried to kill herself by jumping, a strong gust of wind blew her to the floor below.

The worst injury she sustained was a fractured hip.

History Fact

Benjamin Franklin Never Thought Turkeys Should Be the National Bird

While writing to his daughter in 1784, Benjamin Franklin was complaining about the bald eagle being chosen as the United States' national symbol. He said that the bald eagle had "bad moral character." He said the turkey would be a better idea. He was joking. He didn't actually think the national bird should be a turkey.

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