Quote of the Day
"Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals."
Jim Rohn
Writing Prompt of the Day
What Are Your Opinions on Cosmetic Surgery?
Day's Conversation Starter
What book genres do you like to read?
Joke of the Day
Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda?
He was lucky it was a soft drink!
Top Fun Fact
One habit of intelligent humans is being easily annoyed by people around them, but saying nothing in order to avoid a meaningless argument.
History Fact
The four suited kings in a traditional deck of cards actually represent historical kings. Some of the assignations are in dispute, but largely the kings are thought to be: King David of Israel as the King of Spades, Alexander the Great as the King of Clubs, Charlemagne as the King of Hearts, and either Augustus or Julius Caesar as the King of Diamonds.