Quote of the Day
"A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world."
Leo Buscaglia
Writing Prompt of the Day
What Are Your Beliefs About Marriage?
Day's Conversation Starter
Which app seemed like magic the first time you used it?
Joke of the Day
The marine biology seminars weren't for entertainment, but were created for educational porpoises.
Top Fun Fact
The world’s largest grand piano was built by a 15-year-old in New Zealand. It is a little over 18 feet long and has 85 keys – 3 short of the standard 88.
History Fact
In the 13th century 30,000 children went on what is known as the Children's Crusade. They were convinced God would allow them to take back the Holy Land without incident, but most died on the journey or were sold into slavery.