Quote of the Day
"Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops."
Thomas Watson
Writing Prompt of the Day
What Would You Grab in a Fire?
Day's Conversation Starter
Can you think of any technology that has only made the world worse? How about a piece of technology that has only made the world better?
Joke of the Day
Why do melons have weddings?
Because they cantaloupe!
Top Fun Fact
Saint Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman. It was named after Saint Lucy of Syracuse by the French.
History Fact
And Betsy Ross Didn't Design and Sew the First American Flag
At least the only proof we have of this is from Ross's grandson, William Canby, who claimed in 1870 that his "gam-gam" had the idea. The real creator was more likely to be Francis Hopkinson from New Jersey, who signed the Declaration of Independence and also designed many seals for the U.S. government.
Weird Laws
Alaska: No getting drunk in a bar
In Alaska it is illegal to be drunk… in a bar. Per state laws, a person who is already drunk may not “knowingly” enter a bar to drink more, or remain in the bar that got them drunk in the first place. Confusing and cruel? Yes. Outdated? Sadly, no—police actually enforce it.
Foody Things
Where to Eat
Poland had two restaurants receiving 1 Star from Michelin in 2019, both in Warsaw. You can sample great food at Atelier Amaro or Senses, both of which explicitly focus on traditional Polish cooking with a modern twist.
Movie/TV Trivia
American Psycho Was Inspired by Tom Cruise
Christian Bale explained that he drew inspiration from a Cruise interview on David Letterman's show, in which he was struck by the star's "very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes," as American Psycho's director, Mary Harron, put it.
Movie/TV Quote
Citizen Kane, 1941