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Today's Dippit!

Quote of the Day

"No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist."

Salvador Dali

Writing Prompt of the Day

What Restaurant Would You Most Like to Review?

Day's Conversation Starter

What are your goals for the next two years?

Joke of the Day

I would avoid the sushi if I was you. It's a little fishy!

Top Fun Fact

Until the 1980s, it was illegal for a woman to drive a car down Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia, unless her husband was walking in front of the car waving a red flag.

History Fact

Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions

Former U.S. president Calvin Coolidge had many a pets, ranging from a donkey to a bobcat. Oh, and a pair of lions. They were gifted as cubs from the government of South Africa. Their names? Tax Reduction and Budget Bureau.

Weird Laws

Montana: No "folf"

Anyone who’s driven through Montana has inevitably wondered, “how far could I throw a Frisbee over the plains?” Those who seek answers, avoid Helena; it is illegal to play “folf” (that’s “Frisbee golf”) anywhere not deemed a sanctioned “folf course.” Curiosity could cost you $500 or six months jail time.

Foody Things

Raclette at Le Chalet Savoyard in Paris

This specialty from the central European region of Savoy calls for a half-wheel of raclette cheese to be fastened to a heating apparatus that slowly melts it. One then scrapes (racler, in French) the cheese onto piles of boiled potatoes and charcuterie.

You'll find sublime versions of this all over France and Switzerland, but the one at Paris' Chalet Savoyard offers a true chalet ambiance and nine different types of cheese to choose from, including smoked, truffled and blue.

Yes, please!

Movie/TV Trivia

Pretty Woman

Edward (Richard Gere) snapping the necklace case down on Vivian's (Julia Roberts) fingers, was improvised by Gere, and Roberts's reaction (laughter) was totally natural. The filmmakers liked it so much, they decided to leave it in.

Movie/TV Quote


The Graduate, 1967

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