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Today's Dippit!

Quote of the Day

"Today will never come again… Be a blessing. Be a friend. Take time to care."


Writing Prompt of the Day

Do You Like Scary Movies and Books?

Day's Conversation Starter

Where is the nicest place you have been to in fall?

Joke of the Day

What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!

Top Fun Fact

Toilet seat covers are basically pointless.

History Fact

I Knew Giants Were Real

Giants were a big part of Ancient Greek Mythology, and their existence was “proved” to the Greeks by enormous bones that could be found buried throughout the mountainous landscape. These “giant bones” were probably very convincing, although today we know that they were likely the bones of wooly mammoths and mastodons that can still be found all over the country.

Weird Laws

New York: Sales tax for sliced bagels

If you order a sliced bagel in New York City, fuhgeddabout a square deal: “altered” bagels (sliced, toasted, or served with cream cheese, etc.) carry an eight cent sales tax. Uncut bagels are typically tax exempt. Here's the state with the most psychopaths in the U.S.

Foody Things

Fried Burrata at HandCraft Kitchen and Cocktails in New York City

Burrata is already a creamy dream, but cover it with truffles and deep-fry it, and it becomes an experience. This hip cocktail bar is famous for its decadent appetizer, which is served with a touch of arugula (so you can trick yourself into thinking you're eating salad).

Movie/TV Trivia

The Imitation Game

Benedict Cumberbatch confessed that in one of the final scenes of the film, he couldn't stop crying and had a breakdown. It was, as he said, "Being an actor or a person that had grown incredibly fond of the character and thinking what he had suffered and how that had affected him."

Movie/TV Quote

"Well, nobody's perfect."

Some Like It Hot, 1959

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