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Today's Dippit!

Daily Quote

"Make the rest of your life the best of your life."


Joke of the Day

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.

Fun Fact

A swarm of 20,000 bees followed a car for two days because their queen was stuck inside.

When the car parked, the thousands of bees swarmed onto the car and had to be taken off by beekeepers.

The next day, the bees were back on the car because the queen was still inside and the swarm had to be taken off again.

History Fact

Before the 19th century, dentures were made from dead soldiers’ teeth.

Dentistry in 1815 wasn’t exactly as… “intricate” as it is today. In fact, it was downright savage!

After the Battle of Waterloo, dentists flocked to the battlefield to scavenge teeth from the tens of thousands of dead soldiers.

They then took their bounty to their dental workshops are crafted them into dentures for toothless rich people.

Movie/TV Trivia

The Cabin In The Woods

When Jules kisses the wolf head on the wall, the wolf's tongue is covered in powdered sugar to give it a dusty look and to make the scene tolerable for Anna Hutchison.

Movie/TV Quote

"You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow."

To Have and Have Not, 1944

Conversation Starter

Who makes you laugh the most?

Writing Prompt

What Are Your Secret Survival Strategies?

Weird Laws


While there’s no specific law against taking a lion to the movies in Maryland (this does not, presumably, mean that one is allowed to take lions to movies), there is one against using any profanity while driving. Or, more specifically, while near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing by, upon or along such street, sidewalk, or highway. So no profanity while driving.

Food Thing

Hákarl – Iceland

The rotting carcass of a Greenland or basking (Somniosidae) shark. It’s buried underground in a shallow pit and pressed with stones so the poisonous internal fluids that allow it to live in such cold waters can be drained out making the meat safe to eat. After this it’s hung out to dry before being cut into strips and served. With a smell that’s described as ammonia-rich and a strong ‘fishy-flavour’, it was described by Anthony Bourdain as “the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing” he’d tried.

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