Daily Quote
"The next time you experience a blackout, take some solace by looking at the sky. You will not recognize it."
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Joke of the Day
What do you get from a pampered cow?
Spoiled milk.
Fun Fact
The first alarm clock could only ring at 4 a.m.
Invented in 1787, Levi Hutchins needed a way to wake up in time for work, so he made the alarm clock.
It took almost 100 years for a wind up alarm clock to be invented that could be set to any time.
History Fact
Birthday Boys
Two titans of their time also share a big day: President Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, author of Origin of Species, were born on the exact same day: February 12, 1809.
Movie/TV Trivia
In the penultimate Ian Fleming 007 novel, You Only Live Twice, James Bond’s parents are revealed to be Scottish and Swiss. His formative years were spent in Germany and France.
Movie/TV Quote
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
The Usual Suspects, 1995
Conversation Starter
What are the top three things on your bucket list?
Writing Prompt
How Do You Find Peace in Your Life?
Weird Laws
South Carolina
Are you 18 or older? Congratulations: You may legally play pinball in South Carolina. No pinball for South Carolina’s minors, who must find other outlets for their angst.
Food Thing
Kangaroo – Australia
Historically the staple meat for indigenous Australians, kangaroo is high in protein and low in fat, making it a pretty healthy choice. It’s gamey in flavour and served in multiple ways, from a simple steak to sausages or burgers. Although some animal groups are against the hunting and harvesting of kangaroos for meat, many ecologists see farming native animals as much better for the fragile Australian rangelands than cattle and say it could massively reduce greenhouse emissions.