Daily Quote
"Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason."
Albert Schweitzer
Joke of the Day
Did I tell you the time I fell in love during a backflip?
I was heels over head!
Fun Fact
Dying is illegal in the Houses of Parliaments.
Strange as it is, this law is in place because anyone who dies in the Houses of Parliaments is entitled to a state funeral.
This has been voted as the most ridiculous law by the British citizens.
History Fact
The Big Smoke
Winston Churchill typically smoked eight to ten cigars a day, sometimes as much as fifteen. That’s cigars, not even cigarettes.
Movie/TV Trivia
Francis Ford Coppola would read passages of Heart of Darkness to Marlon Brando on the fractious set of Apocalypse Now after learning the actor had never read the source material.
Movie/TV Quote
"Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads."
Back to the Future, 1985
Conversation Starter
What has been the lowest point of your life?
Writing Prompt
Do You Set Rules for Yourself About How You Use Your Time?
Weird Laws
This is devastating, but it’s important that we spread the word before anyone gets in trouble. In Tennessee, you may not use someone else’s Netflix account.
Food Thing
Southern Fried Rattlesnake – United States
A favourite in the Southwestern United States, it’s said to taste a little like frogs legs. Experts advise boiling the meat off the bones before dipping in egg and covering in seasoned salt mix, flour and breadcrumbs. Deep fat fry and munch away.