Mary Poppins Returns is the sequel to the 1964 Marry Poppins movie. The books were written by P.L. Travers during the course of her lifetime. The first book was published in 1934 and the second one published in 1935. Mary Poppins Returns came out in 2018, it is a classic for newer children like the original was for me. There is lots of throw backs in Mary Poppins Returns that I rather enjoyed.
The concept of the movie is that Jane and Michael Banks are all grown up now, Jane is single but Michael has three kids of his own and his wife was recently passed away. Their family home is about to foreclose and they are going to have to move out of the home if they can not pay back the bank for the money that they borrowed to pay for the hospital bills. They remember that their father had shares in the bank but they just need to have the certificate to prove that they have shares in the bank.
Mary Poppins comes back into town just in the nic of time to help the new set of Banks children. She takes them on many new adventures, and they make friends with local street lamplighter played by Lin-Manual Miranda. Jake the lamplighter and Jane end up fancying each other by the end of the movie with only a few encounters that they do have.
Mary Poppins played by Emily Blunt plays Mary Poppins beautifully. Although she is already English, she does change her accent a little bit.
The kids at the beginning of the movie were playing with a kite, which was the very kite that Michael was playing with in the first one, this kite is how Mary Poppins comes to us in this movie. This very kite gets some holes in it which the youngest Bank child Georgie needs to mend it. He finds an old sheet of paper that his father, Michael, has drawn on being a painter and cuts it up to put on the kite. As the family is getting ready to move out of the house Georgie goes back into the house to get the kite. Michael takes a look at it and realizes that the pages that were used to bend the kite was the certificate of shares that they need to go to the bank. The family rushes to the bank and gets there in time to safe the home but the certificate is missing the portion where the signatures are so therefore, they can not get the house back. Just when all home is lost the senior bank manager comes in and saves the day by telling Michael that the six pence that he gave me as a child was invested and reinvested in the bank to the point where now there is enough money to pay for the loan that was taken.
The senior bank manager is played by non other then Dick Van Dyke.
After moving back into their family home, they have a wonderful walk in the park where then Marry Poppins takes off.
Would I recommend this movie? Yes, it is a feel-good movie! A movie that is great for people of all ages and families.