Do you bring work home with you? How late do you work in the day? Do you do overtime? How much work is to much work?
Have you ever decided that you needed a break and wanted to do something else in life?
How often do you do work after you have done home at night? Do you ever go into work early or stay late to do work that you are not getting paid to do? How do you handle stress?
I for one do not work from home but go into an office and I do like that work and personal life separation that I do have. It is quite something else that I cannot explain.
I find that I have coworkers and know a few people in my life who do go above and beyond what is expected of them at the job. It is their choice to be able to do that, but it isn’t something that I would want to do myself.
I find that company loyalty is a thing of the past and to stay at a company longer then 10 years is really unheard of. I mean from what I expect and understand it doesn’t matter if you have been there for a year or ten years they are not going to be going above and beyond what they are already going to do for you so why are you going to stay at the company longer then what you need to right?
I myself in the past have gone over what is expected of me and I know that I will never make that mistake ever again. I want to be to enjoy going to work every day and to be able to be at home and enjoy what I want and need to be doing here.
My question to those who do, do overtime at home or go in early or stay late, where do you draw the line of the work? Is there a line? How do you know, or do you even care that work doesn’t pay or reward or frankly even value the work that you are doing for them? Do you do this because you want the company to succeed so their success is your success? Do you feel like you are contributing so that is why you do it? Do you think that it makes you look good? Do you think that your superiors even notice, care and really makes you look better to them?
How ever you phrase it and that you want to be doing this for your company it is your life, and you can do with it with whatever you want to do with it. I for one know from personal experience and what I have seen with others is that just do what you get hired to do and that is it. When you are at work, be t work and when you are at home be at my and enjoy your life and get the most out of it with what you have.