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Crafts, Bought a Book and Finish 2 Books This Week

I was able to finish 2 books this week which is great to think about that I can do that, I mean just reading one book a week is great and is what I am aiming for honestly but to have read 2 is just amazing to me.

Something that I am struggling to do is to make sure that I am reading every single day even if it is for 15 minutes a day or just a chapter. The point is, is that I am reading every single day. Yes, every day is busy, but I find that I need to make the time to be able to go and do it.

Regarding the crayons that I do have, you see one of the benefits of working for the library is that they have some craft tables set up for the children and teens that attend the library if they need to relax and to take a study break or need to have some fun times! So, what I do is I go through the bins of crayons about once a month, and I pick out all the broken crayons and I bring them home. I take the papers on them and then I add them to my bag of crayons that I have already ‘shelled’ so that way when I do end up making some crayons in the future again, I don’t need to worry about purchasing more crayons or having to take the paper off of them because that ‘hard’ part is already done and I don’t need to worry about it! Yes, my concern is, is that I might end up making crayons because I don’t want to be story 3 or more freezer bags filled with little crayon bits but whatever it takes to make sure that I can make some crayons right!?

The library is just going to be throwing the broken crayons out, so I don’t feel bad for taking them home to recycle them.

I finished Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubric and Cinder by Merissa Meyers. I am going to return Just the Nicest Couple to the library the next time I am in, and I am going to give Cinder to a friend of mine to read. I don’t think I am going to purchase the rest of the Lunar Chronicles series; I mean if they end up coming into the bookstore then yes of course I will read them, but I might investigate getting them a box set later on, I was wowed by the book but not enough to go out and purchase the rest of the series. I might investigate getting the rest of the series through Kobo as well but as of right now I am more interested in reading Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yaros and then Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick.

I do plan to read those over the next week so wish me luck to be able to finish these 2 books next week!

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