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Finishing 2 Books

I have finished reading Devine Rivals by Rebecca Ross and One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid.  I was in the mood for a romance story which is why I was reading One True Loves but I honestly started reading it before I started to read Devine Rivals. 

Romance stories are great escapes and are a peek into another avenue for what might have been.

I have never been in a position where I had to move on from what I thought was a dead loved one but that is a good thing if I had to, I would like to find another love.

I do like the Devine Rivals series so far; I will finish Ruthless Vows this week which is going to be amazing.  I do like the aspect of how Iris can hardly have one of her men at once.  I can’t wait to finish the series and see what happens next.

I am working on a craft, but I haven’t done much about it recently.  I know that I need to be more vigilant with what I am doing and not be so lazy.

Having the time to have a balanced lifestyle is what I would like but I do like reading a lot.

I hope you enjoy listening to my daily thoughts about what I am reading and doing.

I do like having the ability to read a whole lot and I do like having an outlet to let people know.

I have done all my organization that needs to be done and I took some things to great Goodwill, but I did end up picking up some things as well.  The items that I picked up are for my nieces which I think is great, but I just need to hang onto it for a few months.

I did look around to see if there was anything that I wanted there but there wasn’t, which is great.  I do like to take a look

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