Start applying to jobs
· Set a goal for yourself with how many you will apply to that day/week
o The more jobs you apply to the more interest you will get; the more interviews you have the more options you will have. There is nothing wrong with having to choose which job or position to take
· Continue to network and market yourself both in person and digitally
· Read over each job description in full and work key words into your cover letter when applying
· If you take public transit, make sure that the position is on a public transit route and the hours the position and public transit are complying
o If you can take the time to do a ‘test’ run
· Continue to network and market yourself both in person and digitally
· Continue to go to networking/marketing events, workshops placement agency appointments, and hope help centres
· Keep the lines of communications with your placement agencies and networking contacts
o Set an alarm in your phone to serve as a reminder for this
· Change how you are looking for employment as they may be advertising directly on their website versus a general job service website
· Change up terms and key words on your resume due to the fact that some companies use a computer program to select resumes and you might not be chosen for a certain position because your resume doesn’t have the key terms that the program is looking for
· Call or email a company directly for more employment information
· Don’t be afraid to contact the company after an interview as a follow-up to see why you might not have been hired
o This way you can change or preform better for the next interview
o Check to see why you might not have be chosen for the position as it may have been one small thing that is fixable now
o Communication is key
§ They might have forgotten to tell you that you haven’t been chosen for an interview or they might want you to come back in for a second interview but they just misplaced your resume