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How to Find a Job Part Two

Now you need to get yourself into a routine to make sure that everything is getting down and you have nothing to worry about. You can still have the time of your life but you do need to put in some time to make sure that things to get done and you are getting a job in a reasonable about of time.

General Notes

· Have a set time of day and duration that you will go over your options. Have this time for yourself to do what really needs to get done. You do not want to get overwhelmed with this huge task

· Have a notebook handy to make any notes that you may need to reference latter

· Determine when the most ideal date and the last date that you need to be working

o If you are not working by this date, will you need any financial help or job search help? Have someone in mind that you can go to and ask for help. Let this person know that you will be paying them back at your earliest convenience. Potentially provide them information with the amount and time that you are going to pay them back. Have full disclosure

· Have a daily plan or time per day to

o Work on your cover letter & resume

§ Don’t be afraid to keep adjusting and working on these to help gain meaningful employment

o Portfolio

o Apply to jobs

§ You want to be able to have a set number of jobs that you would like to apply to every day, week or month to make sure that you are doing what you can to get a job

o Continue to look for placement agencies, job fair, workshops and networking events to go to


o Now that all of your distractions are out of the way you have time to complete what really needs to be done

o Get up and go to bed around the same time every day

o Book appointments for the doctors, optometrist and dentist (plus any other appointments that you may require)

o Have one hour each day set aside to be looking for jobs and/or job related tasks including interviews, job hunting/searching and market research

o Have a set time every week for home cleaning, grocery shopping, errands and laundry

Having certain things in place to stay consistent can always help. Once you are in the routine of looking and working on job related responsibilities it wont feel so bad, horrible or hard, just everyday kind of thing that the faster you do it the easier and better it will be.


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