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Key Terms

There is terms that you should put on your resume and cover letter that make you stand out more then the others. There are other phrases that make you in an interview that make out as well.

These days depending on the company a computer can be processing your resume looking for key terms and if your resume doesn’t have them then it ignores it. This means that you want to put key terms from the job advertisement itself onto your resume.

Some examples of resume terms and skills that you may have that you might want to put onto your resume are:

· WSIB Forms/Claims

· Accounts receivable/payable

· Advertising/Marketing

· Attention to detail/Accurate

· Excellent time management

· Quick learner

· Organized/strong organizational skills

· Reliable/reliability

· Responsible

· Dependable

· Efficient/efficiency

· Client focused

· Flexible

· Hard worker/Hard Working

· Can meet deadlines/can meet tight deadlines

· Positive attitude

· Excellent oral and written communication

· Professional correspondence

· Experience with website design

· Inventory control

· Experience doing inventory

· Recipe analytic s

· Orientation

· Data entry

· Transcription

· Professional correspondence

· Handle all mail & couriers

· Record management

· Adaptability

· Analytical

· Collaborative

· Integrity

· Positive Attitude

· Time management

· Team Player

· Independent worker

· Dependability/dependable

· Efficient interpersonal skills

· Excellent written communication

· Nurture/foster strong relationships

· Work independently as well as on a team

· Customer service oriented

· Detailed oriented

· Fast paced environment

· Ability to prioritize

· Multitask

· Applications

Ø Zoom

Ø MailChimp

Ø QuickBooks

Ø WordPress

Ø Microsoft Office

Ø Wix

Ø Windows

Ø Mac

Ø Dos


Ø Adobe InDeisgn

Ø Premiere Pro

Ø Adobe Acrobat

· Certifications

Ø Health & Safety

Ø CPR/First Aid

Ø Lifeguard

Ø Food Safety

Ø LLQP (Life Licence Qualification Program)

Ø Real Estate License

Ø Diplomas or degrees

Ø CSC (Canadian Securities Courses)

Ø CPH (Conduct and Practices Handbook Courses)

Ø IRT (Investment Representative Training Program)

Ø CDR (Canadian Depositary Receipts)

Ø ALD (Assistive Listening Device)

Ø RAIC (Royal Architectural Institute of Canada)

· Other skills

Ø Software/computer platforms (Adobe, Movavi, Wix, WordPress, Windows, Apple, DOS)

Ø Transcription/dictations

Ø Certifications

Ø Website design

Ø Graphic design

Ø Videographer

Ø Video editor

Ø Photographer

Ø Photo editor

Ø Scanner & document editor

You want to make sure that you are standing out from the crowd and make sure that you are going to get interviewed and get the job. Part of having the right terms on your resume you also want to prepare for an interview and market yourself.

· Do your research

o Find out what is out there and what you want to be doing

· Prepare for interviews

o Research the company

o Ask them questions

o Be will groomed

o Do a mock interview

o Have specific job-related examples prepared

o Have a ‘sales pitch’ for yourself prepared

· Network and Market yourself

o Have business cards

o Create a professional online presence

o Go to events (marketing, social gatherings)

o Talk with family and friends

o Work on your own personal ‘sales pitch’ or ‘brand’

You want to come off as the best you can so you want to make sure that you are always are dressing for the job that you want and not the job that you have.

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