I have finished 2 books this week and have received 2 more books this week. I didn’t finish the books that I wanted to read but I did read something. I think I better finish reading the books that I want to be reading before the hype of these books leave right?!
I am just excited that I have made the time to read. I am excited that I have had the effort and motivation to read in the first place.
The big news of the week is that, at the beginning of the year I set out to read 30 books and as of right now I have read 61 books this year. I am excited that I have surpassed my goal. I am planning on reading more books by the time that the year is through, but I just need to be able to buckle down and to do that.
The main point is that you are taking the time to read every single day. I don’t need to be reading a book in a day or a book a week just if I am taking the time to be reading every single day. I feel like I am a broken record when I say that, but I think that is, that I just want to be doing that every day. I want to make it a habit of reading every day and I am just going to keep saying that until I do make it a habit.
I am going to be trying to not purchase any more books or be bringing in any more books because well, I honestly have a pretty large TBR as it is, and I have a library card so there is no need for me to be bringing in more because what is really the point of bringing in more books right? I want to be reading so I think that I need to be more focused on that than the books themselves. If I was reading more then it wouldn’t be an issue, but I am not reading enough to bring in more books. I think that instead of purchasing books I should be saving my money and be considering getting a monthly membership to Audible. I think that would be a better use of my money at this point.
I know that there are plenty of audio books out there that I would like to listen to, and I think that I need to rethink my time in the sense where I can be listening to books instead of watching TV, movies or just music. There is a time and a place for everything, and I know that there is something that I can work on! I mean it is all about the content, right?
In conclusion I have read and have accomplished my goal for the week by reading a book and accomplished my goal for the year of reading twice the number of books that I originally planned on doing!