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The Holiday Season

The holiday season is filled with lots of spirit, joy, and laughter but it is always busy. It seems that we are trying to fit everything into one month and one month alone. Is that necessary? Should we be trying to cram everything into one month?

At times I feel that I would like to cancel the holiday season as the shops become too busy to move around in and only makes online shopping more convenient and its not that I don’t want to see family but to have a sense of obligation to see family isn’t something that I necessarily want to be doing.

Going out of our way to see family is part of the tradition and spirit of the season but I guess but it is nice to be able not to have the obligation to have to see family at the same time.

This time of year, is always good for sales that I like to go and find for myself, that is a bonus for this time of year. Not that I need anything, but it is always nice to treat myself to something nice that is extremely discounted.

Ultimately, I feel that I would like to have the holiday season to be less busy, less expensive, and just more or less just less of everything.

I do not need any gifts or big meals or anything of that sort, I just need the ability to be stress free and able to take on the world without any stress that does come out of it.

One aspect of the season that I do enjoy is that the city makes ice rinks around the city as well as puts up Christmas lights and wreaths around that does make it a bit more festive and nicer. I do like to go out for a public free skate every now and again.

What are your thoughts on the holiday season? Do you like the hustle and bustle of the season? Do you like what the season has to offer? What is your favorite part of the holiday season? Do you like giving and getting gifts? Do you enjoy all the holiday parties? In your opinion what is the best part of the holiday season?


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