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Today's Dippit!


"If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace."

Thich Nhat Hanh


I tried to sue the airline for losing my luggage. I lost my case

Fun Fact

During the cremation process of a 500 pound body, the corpse was so obese that it set the crematorium on fire.

History Fact

Olaf Was Here

During the 9th century AD, two Vikings graffitied their names in the runes of Hagia Sophia. These carvings have survived since the Byzantine era, and are still viewable in modern-day Istanbul. One inscription reads, “Halfdan carved these runes.”

Movie/TV Trivia

There Will Be Blood Completely Disrupted Shooting for No Country for Old Men

There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men have more than a few things in common. They were both released in 2007, and were instant hits in the revamped ‘pseudo-Western’ genre. Both movies were even filmed at the same time in the exact same part of the USA.

Filming locations for both projects were situated just outside the town of Marfa, Texas. Unfortunately, their shooting schedules often collided, causing plenty of problems on set.

At one point during filming, a pyrotechnical test was carried out for a scene in There Will Be Blood which created a huge cloud of smoke that could be seen for miles around.

Unfortunately, this giant cloud of dark smoke got straight into one of the shots for No Country For Old Men. The Coen brothers had to wait for the cloud to completely dissipate before they could recommence shooting on the movie.

Oops! We’re sure the Coen brothers didn’t mind in the end – they won several Oscar nominations for their work on No Country.

Movie/TV Quote

"Yo, Adrian!"

Rocky, 1976

Conversation Starter

What is the silliest thing someone has ever said to you?

Writing Prompt


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