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Today's Dippit!


"Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far."

Gary Vaynerchuk


What did the coffee report to the police?

A mugging.

Fun Fact

Saint Lucia is the only country in the world named after a woman.

Saint Lucia was discovered by the French after they were shipwrecked on the island.

They arrived on December 13th which is the feast day of Saint Lucy – hence, why they named it Saint Lucia!

History Fact

Saddam Hussein was given the key to the city of Detroit.

Movie/TV Trivia

Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Nestlé provided 1,850 bars of real chocolate.

Movie/TV Quote

"You gotta hear this one song. It'll change your life, I swear."

Garden State (2004)

The inclusion of a Garden State quote on this list generated some controversy among the Thrillist Entertainment crew, since it comes from a movie that in 2019 is nearly universally derided, but which in 2004 was loved unironically enough to turn it into a surprise cult hit. Fans weren't just twee indie men pining for a "manic pixie dream girl," a term Natalie Portman's Sam helped inspire -- they were teenagers and young adults who identified with the sense of privileged malaise and vague sadness that runs through the film, and they probably harbored a fantasy that love could cure them. It may be cringeworthy to look back on the scene in which Portman excitedly tells Zach Braff's zombified Andrew Largeman (that name!) to listen to a life-altering Shins song ("New Slang"), but to ignore its influence in 2004 and the years immediately ensuing would be to deny history. The scene also points to the enduring legacy of the Garden State soundtrack, which itself has become part of a socially acceptable opinion: "The movie sucks, but the soundtrack is great!" Ridiculous as it is, the scene emits strong nostalgia vibes for anyone who loved it the first time around, and for those of us who have been hardened into cynical skeletons by the unforgiving forces of time and the internet, it's evolved into a very good meme.

Conversation Starter

If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

Writing Prompt


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