"Your parents miss you and wish you’d call. Later you’ll miss them and wish you could."
Paul Graham
After the birth of your first child, your role in life will become apparent.
Fun Fact
The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world in their lifetime.
Assuming the average person lives until they’re 80, they will walk about 110,000 miles in their lifetime.
The circumference of the equator is 24,900 miles.
Reading Fact
A monk found an old book of Archimedes and erased it.
History Fact
Calvin Coolidge Owned a Pair of Lions
Former U.S. president Calvin Coolidge had many a pets, ranging from a donkey to a bobcat. Oh, and a pair of lions. They were gifted as cubs from the government of South Africa. Their names? Tax Reduction and Budget Bureau.
Movie/TV Trivia
In 1994, during one famous lunch at Pixar, filmmakers John Lasseter, Pete Docter and Joe Ranft came up with ideas that would eventually become A Bug’s Life, Finding Nemo, Monster Inc. and Wall-E. We’ll have what they’re having.
Movie/TV Quote
"Man, fuck Jesse Jackson!"
Barbershop (2002)
The Barbershop franchise is all talk. For over a decade, the series, which spawned two sequels, a spinoff starring Queen Latifah, and a short-lived Showtime comedy, chronicled the bustling activity and nonstop banter inside a Chicago hair-cutting establishment owned by Ice Cube's Calvin Palmer Jr. But Calvin often ceded the floor to Cedric The Entertainer's Eddie, a gray-haired, glasses-wearing barber with opinions on just about everything. In a pre-social-media world, Eddie's provocative comments in the movie, which included takes like "Fuck Jesse Jackson," "O.J. did it," and "Rosa Parks ain't do nothin' but sit her black ass down," managed to generate newspaper headlines, strongly worded letters to the studio, and even threats of a boycott from Reverend Al Sharpton. It's hard to think of many other comedies where the dialogue actually spilled out into the real world to this extent, prompting Jackson himself to pressure the studio to remove the offending lines about Civil Rights icons from the DVD. What's noteworthy about the actual scene is that almost everyone else in the shop at the time is already condemning Eddie's remarks, grumbling and booing in the background, and the Jackson line gets the biggest groans of all, showing "straight talk" like Eddie's always comes with a strong reaction.
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What smell brings back great memories?
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