“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
I invented a new word today: Plagiarism!
Fun Fact
Fact: The “Windy City” name has nothing to do with Chicago weather
Was this one of the random facts you already knew? Chicago’s nickname was coined by 19th-century journalists who were referring to the fact that its residents were “windbags” and “full of hot air.”
Reading Fact
The world’s largest fine for an overdue library book stands at $345.14, the amount owed at two cents a day.
Poetry book Days and Deeds was checked out of Kewanee Public Library in April 1955 by Emily Canellos-Simms to be returned on 19 April. Having found the book at her mother’s house 47 years later, Emily gave the book back, with an overdue fine of over $345.
History Fact
Family Feud
Hitler’s nephew William, a US Navy solider, actually fought against Hitler during the war.
Movie/TV Trivia
Jim ‘King of the World’ Cameron also had a second ending for Titanic in which Bill Paxton and the old lady face off over the million dollar necklace. If you thought the original ending was schmaltzy check out the ‘life is priceless’ alternative.
Movie/TV Quote
"You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention."
Django Unchained (2012)
In the second of his revisionist history films, Quentin Tarantino is in peak form, dishing out fantasy justice to abominable characters like Leonardo DiCaprio's Calvin J. Candie, a smooth-talking slave-owner with a passion for phrenology. Candie's gleeful hatred -- covered with a slimy veneer of Southern manners -- puts the efficiency of Tarantino's character development on full display. The slave-owner is the quintessential talentless, overconfident man who believes himself far superior to a foreigner and a free slave, despite all evidence to the contrary. As he takes a childish slurp out of a coconut filled with booze, DiCaprio delivers the film's best line with the kind of uncomfortable familiarity and condescension that make the final act's revenge fantasy fully earned. It's the kind of line you could imagine a venture capitalist or similar vampire uttering today; we thankfully no longer sell humans as commodities, but the sickening nature of business sharks remains.
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