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Today's Dippit!


“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”

Les Brown


I got a hen to regularly count her own eggs. She's a real mathamachicken!

Fun Fact

The process by which bread toasts is called the “Maillard Reaction”.

Reading Fact

The word “robot” was invented by Czech painter Josef Čapek and first used in his brother’s sci-fi play R.U.R in 1920.

The frequently used international word “robot” first originated in Karel Čapek’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots. It derives from the Slavic word robota, which means labor (especially forced labor), and was used to denote humanoid, mass-produced, completely emotionless workers incapable of original thinking and indifferent to self-preservation.

Čapek himself did not coin the word – in a letter to the Oxford English Dictionary, he credits his brother, the painter and writer Josef Čapek, as its actual originator. 

History Fact

Thine Mamma

Shakespeare gave us what many see as the perfection of the English sonnet, dozens of new words and phrases that we still use today, and a lasting oeuvre of work that we’re forced to study in high school. He also, in his infinite wisdom, gave us one of the very first ancestors of the “yo mamma” joke:

Demetrius: Villain, what hast thou done?

Aaron: That which thou canst not undo.

Chiron: Thou hast undone our mother.

Aaron: Villain, I have done thy mother.


Movie/TV Trivia

In The Godfather, when Vito Corleone gets taken up the stairs, Marlon Brando put weights underneath him to prank the other actors and make him heavier to lift.

Movie/TV Quote

"I'm glad he's single because I'm going to climb that like a tree."

Bridesmaids (2011)

Bridesmaids is important for lots of reasons, but for our purposes here, we're going to focus on the fact that it unleashed the absolute comedic delight of Melissa McCarthy upon the world as Dougie's (Tim Heidecker) doofus-with-a-heart-of-gold sister, Megan. In the first scene we're introduced to her, we get a lot from Megan, oversharing with Kristen Wiig's Annie about getting pins in her leg after falling off a cruise ship and mistaking the extraordinarily tall Hugh Dane smoking a pipe and wearing a newsboy cap for Annie's "fella," which is when we get this gem of unfiltered libido.

Conversation Starter

If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

Writing Prompt


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