“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
Audrey Hepburn
The man who survived pepper spray and mustard gas is now a seasoned veteran
Fun Fact
In Morse Code -.- means k.
Reading Fact
Reading has a beneficial impact on our physical and mental health: it reduces stress for 60%, slows the heartbeat and relieves muscle tension.
History Fact
In Ancient Greece, wearing skirts was manly.
In fact, the Ancient Greeks viewed trousers as effeminate and would mock any men who wore them.
Movie/TV Trivia
Alfred Hitchcock’s, Psycho (1960) was the first American film ever to show a flushing toilet.
Movie/TV Quote
"I am Shiva, the god of death."
Michael Clayton (2007)
Charting the machinations of a high-powered law firm fixer involved in a giant agrochemical cover-up, Michael Clayton is about as intense as thrillers come -- but no scene is as intense as Clayton's conversation with one of his firm's attorneys (Tom Wilkinson) who is in the midst of a mental breakdown, having realized that he's helped to engineer said cover-up, which has exposed people to known carcinogens. Wilkinson's Arthur Eden, who's known to have manic episodes, rejects Clayton's pleas to start taking his medication again, and instead paces the floor and confessing his guilt. The scene peaks with appropriate self-aggrandizement when Arthur compares himself to the Hindu god of destruction, given how many innocent people he's allowed to die.
Conversation Starter
What is the worst hotel you have stayed at? How about the best hotel?
Writing Prompt