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Today's Dippit!


“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.”

Will Smith


I tried to sue the airline for losing my luggage. I lost my case

Fun Fact

The collars on men’s dress shirts used to be detachable. This was to save on laundry costs as the collar was the part that needed cleaning the most frequently.

Reading Fact

As reported by UNESCO in 2006, there are 132 million young people worldwide that are unable to communicate in a written language. Most of them will never learn to read during the rest of their life.

History Fact

During World War I, the French built a “fake Paris”.


Complete with a replica Champs-Elysées and Gard Du Nord, this “fake Paris” was built by the French towards the end of WWI. It was built as a means of throwing off German bomber and fighter pilots flying over French skies.

It also even had a fake railway that lit up at certain points to provide the illusion from above of a train moving along the tracks!

Movie/TV Trivia

Michael Myers mask in Halloween is just a Captain Kirk mask altered slightly and painted white.

Movie/TV Quote

"Baby, you are gonna miss that plane."

Before Sunset (2004)

It's rare to find a beautiful piece of dialogue in 2019 that has not been co-opted into some sort of meme, but the line that nearly closes out the middle part of Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, and Julie Delpy's trilogy about two overly articulate people falling for one another defies that tendency. It is, quite simply, a perfect and devastatingly sexy way to end a movie, evoking classic moments like Shirley MacLaine's "shut up and deal" from The Apartment. Hawke's Jesse and Delpy's Céline have spent a magical day in Paris arguing and flirting with one another when they arrive back at her apartment and she puts on Nina Simone. He's supposed to go back to America to be with his wife and kid, but instead settles in and watches her dance. She looks at him, doing a quasi-impression of Simone: "Baby, you are going to miss that plane," she coos. "I know," he says. They laugh as the scene fades to black, their fate, for now, unknown. While all of the Before movies are scripted in a joint effort by Hawke, Delpy, and Linklater, Delpy takes credit for this specific moment. "Without telling them I kind of acted out the scene," she said in an interview. "I knew Richard would like it. And Ethan, too. And they did."

Conversation Starter

Will technology save the human race or destroy it?

Writing Prompt


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