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Today's Dippit!


“There are three things you can do with your life: You can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time on Earth.”

Rick Warren


The other day I tried to make a chemistry joke, but got no reaction

Fun Fact

Nebraska’s official state slogan is “Nebraska: Honestly, it’s not for everyone”.

Reading Fact

The word ‘bookworm’ originated from insects who live in and eat the binding of books.

History Fact

During a Roman Triumph, soldiers sang lewd songs about their commander to amuse the crowds.


A Roman Triumph was a sort of parade. During this, a Roman General who had conquered new territory for Rome marched through the streets with his troops. They showed off the spoils of war in front of huge crowds of partygoing spectators.

There were many customs that occurred during a Triumph. One of which was for the returning Roman soldiers to sing crude and banter-like chants about their commanders, to the amusement of the crowds.

One that survived history is from Julius Caesar’s Gallic Triumph. His soldiers sang something like: “Romans hide away your wives, the bald adulterer is here. We drank away your gold in Gaul, and now we’ve come to borrow more!”

Movie/TV Trivia

When Edward Norton first fights Brad Pitt in Fight Club, he was asked to actually hit Pitt. Pitts reaction is genuine and Norton was trying to stop himself from laughing during the scene.

Movie/TV Quote

"You get to exhale now, Simon."

Love, Simon


This is what all LGBTQ kids who have come out needed to hear, and that's why that particular scene resonates with us so much.

Conversation Starter

How do you plan to make the world a better place?

Writing Prompt


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