“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.”
Michael Phelps
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs stuffed in your mailbox? Bill
Fun Fact
The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph.
According to Guinness World Records, the first person to be charged with speeding was Walter Arnold of the English village of Paddock Wood, Kent. On Jan. 28, 1896, Arnold was spotted going four times the speed limit in his 19th-century Benz—but since the speed limit at the time was just two miles per hour, that meant he was not going too fast by today's standards. The constable had to chase him down on his bicycle, issuing a ticket for £4 7s and earning Arnold the speedy distinction.
Reading Fact
Vladimir Nabokov would compose all works on index cards which he kept in slim boxes.
This method enabled him to easily re-arrange the plot of his books any time he wanted – he would shuffle these cards daily, what allowed him to see the story unfold in different ways.
He also stored some of the cards underneath his pillow, so that when an idea popped into his head at night, he could quickly write it down.
History Fact
The Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stone as pillows.
In Ancient Egypt, the head was considered to be the seat of spiritual life and had to be cared after.
So therefore, when getting into bed, the Egyptians would place their heads on a stone with a curve in it.
They were also engraved with images of the Gods and placed under the heads of the dead to ward away bad spirits.
Movie/TV Trivia
On the first day of filming the exorcism sequence in The Exorcist , Linda Blair’s delivery of her foul-mouthed dialogue so disturbed the gentlemanly Max von Sydow forgot his lines.
Movie/TV Quote
“Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!”
Auntie Mame, 1958
Conversation Starter
Do you like spicy food? Why or why not? What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten?
Writing Prompt