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Today's Dippit!


"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Being vegetarian was a huge missed-steak

Fun Fact

The moon has moonquakes.


Just as earth has earthquakes, the moon has—you guessed it—moonquakes. Less common and less intense than the shakes that happen here, moonquakes are believed by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists to occur due to tidal stresses connected to the distance between the Earth and the moon.

Reading Fact

Roald Dahl was buried with some of his favorite items: a bottle of Burgundy, his snooker cues, HB pencils, a power saw and some chocolate.

He was buried in November 1990 in Oxford, England, and according to his granddaughter, the family gave him a “sort of Viking funeral”. Today, children continue to leave toys and flowers by his grave. 

History Fact

Ferrets, dogs and monkeys were the most popular pets in the Roman Empire.


Rather than having cats to hunt down vermin like mice and rats, the Romans used ferrets.

They also used dogs as sentries and guards, whilst they used monkeys for entertainment…

…Because monkeys are funny.

Movie/TV Trivia

Natalie Portman was originally cast as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet could have looked a whole lot different if Natalie Portman hadn’t been 13 years old at the time of casting. The fresh-faced actress was actually awarded the role, but the age difference between she and leading man DiCaprio soon became very awkward.


At 21 years old, Leo was nearly ten years older than his on-screen love interest, and the icky age gap didn’t really translate well in front of the cameras.


Producers eventually decided to re-cast Portman because they said that “it looked as though DiCaprio was molesting her” in the romantic scenes.” Yikes! Eventually the role went to Claire Danes, and the rest is history. We’re glad that somebody was looking out for young actresses in a time before the #Metoo movement! Aside from underage casting drama, Romeo and Juliet also suffered a highly traumatic incident during filming which left cast and crew members shocked.

Movie/TV Quote

 “What we've got here is failure to communicate.”

Cool Hand Luke, 1967

Conversation Starter

What do you think of buffets?

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