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Today's Dippit!


"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

Benjamin Franklin


How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.

Fun Fact

The human body literally glows.


It might be hard to see with your naked eye, but everyone you pass by every day is literally glowing. The human body emits a small quantity of visible light ("visible" in the technical sense—the illumination is about 1,000 times less intense than levels of light that we would actually be able to see). Researchers in Japan used a special camera to track this glow and found that it fluctuates throughout the day, with the body emitting its lowest levels of light around 10 a.m. and highest at around 4 p.m., a rhythm the scientists attribute to the changes in one's metabolism.

Reading Fact

It can help you improve your focus

History Fact

This sudden lack of cats led to the spread of disease because infected rats ran free. The most devastating of these diseases, the Bubonic Plague, killed 100 million people.

Movie/TV Trivia

Toy Story 2 Was Almost Deleted

Oops! We bet whoever did this was sweating after they made that particular error…

Apparently somebody entered a rogue command in the animation “master machine” used to create Toy Story 2, and it ended up deleting 90% of the film.

Whoops! That’s a bad day at work for one Pixar employee. Mental Floss described the situation: “A plan was quickly hatched to restore the data from a regular backup, which meant that only half a day of work would have been lost. But the backup system had failed.


Pixar, incredibly, did not have a copy of the Toy Story 2 files on its servers.” Yikes! So what happened next?

Thankfully all was not lost for the animated movie and in the end the production company managed to locate a spare copy of the film footage thanks to one organised staff member. Luckily for everyone involved in the film, one of the technical director’s had a spare copy that she had been working on from home and nearly all of the lost data was restored.


It just goes to show guys – always keep a back up file in reserve!

Movie/TV Quote


The Princess Bride, 1987

Conversation Starter

If you were on the run from the police for a crime you didn’t commit, where would you go?

Writing Prompt


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