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Today's Dippit!


"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

Abraham Lincoln


I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.

Fun Fact

Pigeons can tell the difference between a painting by Monet and Picasso.


In a 1995 study published in the Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, researchers reported being able to train pigeons to discriminate between paintings by Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso when shown slides of their works that they had previously never seen before. When the Picasso images were inverted, the little art connoisseurs could still tell it was a Picasso. Maybe that's why they like landing on statues so much.

Reading Fact

Children who read 3,000 words a day take the top 2% in standardized testing.

History Fact

In 1788 the Austrian army attacked itself and lost 10,000 men.

Movie/TV Trivia

The constellation that Rose is looking up at was completely wrong

Right towards the end of the movie, the audience sees Rose lying on the wooden door and staring up at the night sky. However, after the film was released, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson contacted Cameron to inform him that the constellations Rose was looking at were completely wrong.


Ever the perfectionist, Cameron re-edited the movie and corrected the mistake just in time for the 10th anniversary director’s cut.


There are plenty of movie mistakes which did make the cut though – Rose’s beauty spot seems to move around her face an awful lot whilst Jack’s suspenders have been known to disappear in various scenes before magically reappearing! It seems as though even James Cameron couldn’t stop a handful of mistakes entering the final cut.

The constellation mistake must really have got on Cameron’s nerves though, especially as Tyson reportedly rubbed it in the director’s face several times!

The director didn’t hold it against Tyson though because he later asked the astrophysicist to consult on the director’s cut of Titanic.

Movie/TV Quote

"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"

Braveheart, 1995

Conversation Starter

If you were a farm animal, which would you be and why?

Writing Prompt


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