"Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not."
Oscar Wilde
You know, people say they pick their nose, but I feel like I was just born with mine.
Fun Fact
The total weight of ants on earth once equaled the total weight of people.
Entomologists have estimated that there are at least one million trillion insects and only one percent of that number is ants, according to the BBC. And if you took all those ants (about ten thousand trillion) and put them on one side of a giant scale, you could almost put all of the people in the world onto the other and balance things out. Unfortunately, as humans have become heavier, this probably wouldn't hold up today—but it once did. Francis Ratnieks, professor of Apiculture at the University of Sussex, told the BBC this might have held true around 2,000 years ago.
Reading Fact
Reading can help reduce stress as kids lose themselves in a good story, staying in the present moment.
History Fact
Joseph Stalin, the dictator of the USSR from 1929–1953, is believed to have killed between 20-60 million people.
Movie/TV Trivia
And Clownfish Vanished After Finding Nemo
Just as there was a run on pet rats, the population of clownfish in their natural habitats took a precipitous drop following the release of Finding Nemo, which stars a clownfish. Marine biologists reported that the numbers of the fish dropped by as much as 75 percent in the Australian reefs they inhabit.
Movie/TV Quote
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Gone With the Wind, 1939
Conversation Starter
If you could make up a school subject, what would it be?
Writing Prompt