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Today's Dippit!


"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."

Marilyn Monroe


Can February March? No, but April May!

Fun Fact

Water makes different pouring sounds depending on its temperature.


If you listen very closely, hot water and cold water sound slightly different when being poured. The heat changes the thickness, or viscosity, of the water, which changes the pitch of the sound it makes when it's poured. What we feel as heat comes from the molecules of the water moving faster. Cold water is thicker and therefore makes a slightly higher-pitched sound.

Reading Fact

The world’s largest fine for an overdue library book stands at $345.14, the amount owed at two cents a day.

Poetry book Days and Deeds was checked out of Kewanee Public Library in April 1955 by Emily Canellos-Simms to be returned on 19 April. Having found the book at her mother’s house 47 years later, Emily gave the book back, with an overdue fine of over $345. 

History Fact

South Africans gave gay and lesbian soldiers sex changes in an attempt to root out homosexuality in their army.

Movie/TV Trivia

American Psycho Was Inspired by Tom Cruise


Christian Bale explained that he drew inspiration from a Cruise interview on David Letterman's show, in which he was struck by the star's "very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes," as American Psycho's director, Mary Harron, put it.

Movie/TV Quote


Citizen Kane, 1941

Conversation Starter

What was the last thing that made you smile?

Writing Prompt


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