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Today's Dippit!


"Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others."

Rosa Parks


Two egotists started a fight. It was an I for an I!

Fun Fact

Polar bears have black skin. And actually, their fur isn’t white—it’s see-through, so it appears white as it reflects light.

Reading Fact

Reading books for pleasure will help improve self-esteem and confidence, enabling us to reach our goals.

History Fact

Today, the rich have plastic surgery, liposuction, and blood transfusions. But back in the 16th century, the really wealthy used to eat dead bodies, thinking that (somehow) the cadavers could cure diseases. The highest delicacy of all these bodies? Why, Egyptian mummies of course.

Movie/TV Trivia

The Terminator


O.J. Simpson was considered for the Terminator, but the producers feared he was "too nice" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer.

Movie/TV Quote

"Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make." 

Dracula, 1931

Conversation Starter

What makes you feel discouraged?

Writing Prompt


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