"Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay."
Simone de Beauvoir
Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn't chicken!
Fun Fact
German chocolate cake doesn’t come from Germany. It was named for a person, Sam German, who created a type of baking chocolate for Baker’s in 1852.
Reading Fact The first ebook in the world is The Declaration of Independence, released in 1971.
In 1971, passionate technologist and futurist Michael Stern Hart was given access to a Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the University of Illinois. Inspired by a free printed copy of the Declaration of Independence, he decided to transcribe it into the computer.
He made the file available to other users of the computer network, with the annotation that it was free to use and distribute – marking the beginning of the legendary Project Gutenberg, an initiative dedicated to making books freely available in digital format.
History Fact
Here’s a comeback for all the fussy moms out there: tablecloths, no matter how fancy they’ve gotten today, were originally designed as one big, long napkin. Guests were meant to wipe off their hands and faces on the tablecloth after a messy feast.
Movie/TV Trivia
Interview With The Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
All the actors playing vampires were required to hang upside down for up to thirty minutes at a time during the make-up application. This would force all the blood in their bodies to rush to their heads, causing the blood vessels in their faces to bulge out. The make up artists would then trace over the swollen veins creating the eerie translucent-skinned vampire look. Unfortunately for the actors, they would have to repeat the process several times over, as the blood would quickly drain from their heads. This, in part, accounts for the lengthy make-up process.
Movie/TV Quote
"As if!"
Clueless, 1995
"I am always compiling slang words," says Clueless writer-director Amy Heckerling about the line’s origins. “In the early to mid-'90s 'as if' was floating around in the gay community, and I heard it and thought it was a multipurpose phrase. Some of the people I knew were already beyond 'as if' and they were just going, 'zif!'"
Conversation Starter
If you could have dinner with anyone living or not, who would it be?
Writing Prompt