"Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed – there’s so little competition."
Elbert Hubbard
The marine biology seminars weren't for entertainment, but were created for educational porpoises.
Fun Fact
Days on Venus are longer than years. Due to its slow axis rotation, it takes 243 Earth days to spin once; but it only takes 225 Earth days to go around the sun.
Reading Fact
The world's first travelling library was launched in 1857 by British philanthropist George Moore, and it was a horse-drawn wagon that had books mounted on bookshelves.
History Fact
The Aztecs made human sacrifices to the gods. In 1487, at the dedication of the temple in Tenochtitlan, 20,000 people were put to death.
Movie/TV Trivia
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
The film was being produced as Johnny Depp was going through a bitter divorce from his wife Amber Heard. He was chronically late to the set, to the point where it ate into the schedule as the set often came to a halt for hours at a time. It got to the point where a production assistant was hired just to wait outside Depp's house and announce that he was awake when they saw the lights inside come on.
Movie/TV Quote
"I don't want to survive. I want to live."
12 Years a Slave, 2013
This line comes right from Solomon Northup’s 1853 book. Writer John Ridley has said he tried to remain true to the original. "To modify the man, no matter how sincere the desire, would have ultimately been dishonest. Solomon's story begs for honesty. As the voice of his own history, what he wrote deserved fidelity."
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