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Today's Dippit!


"Quality is not an act, it is a habit." 



My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away.

Fun Fact

The White House in Washington, DC, has 132 rooms, including 35 bathrooms.

Reading Fact

The country that reads the most is India, with the average Indian reading 10.7 hours per week.

History Fact

 In 1788 the Austrian army attacked itself and lost 10,000 men.

Movie/TV Trivia



Richard Linklater cast his daughter Lorelei Linklater as Samantha because she was always singing and dancing around the house and wanted to be in his movies. At about the third or fourth year of filming, she lost interest and asked for her character to be killed off. Linklater refused, saying it was too violent for what he was planning (Lorelei eventually regained her enthusiasm and continued with the project).

Movie/TV Quote

"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951

This line was originally delivered onstage by Jessica Tandy, who played Blanche on Broadway, and was almost delivered in the movie by Olivia de Havilland (she was offered the role but wanted too much money). Vivian Leigh took it for $100,000, making her the highest-paid English actress of the time, but there may have been moments she regretted it; she and co-star Marlon Brando initially hated each other.

Conversation Starter

If you could have more friends, would you?

Writing Prompt


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