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Today's Dippit!


"Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve." 

Mary Kay Ash


I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed

Fun Fact

 It takes 570 gallons to paint the exterior of the White House.

Reading Fact

Americans only read half as much, at just over 5 hours per week.

History Fact

Approximately 750,000 men died in the Civil War, which was more than 2.5% of America's population at the time.

Movie/TV Trivia

Ex Machina


Throughout the film, the colours red, blue, and green are prominently displayed in each scene (the green forest, the red brick hallway, the keypad's red and blue functions, etc.) This is a nod to the RGB colour model, which is used to display images in electronic systems, such as computers. Ava, of course, being the main computer in the film.

Movie/TV Quote

"Go ahead, make my day."

Sudden Impact, 1983

In Kenya the mispronunciation of "make my day" is "makmende," which is slang for someone who tries to be a hero and was the name creators chose for the country’s first locally created superhero, described by CNN as "one part Shaft, one part Superman."

Conversation Starter

What do you like most about your friends?

Writing Prompt


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