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Today's Dippit!


"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Why did the old man fall in the well? Because he couldn't see that well.

Fun Fact

The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.


Food waste is a huge problem. How big? About 931 million metric tons. That's how much food that researchers with the United Nations estimate was wasted in 2019, according to the Food Waste Index Report 2021, which surveyed 54 countries, finding that the majority of wasted food (61%) comes from homes while restaurants and other food services produce 26% of wasted food. Grocery stores make up just 13% of food waste.

Reading Fact

Different cultures have developed their own writing systems, such as the Latin alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet, Chinese characters, and Arabic script.

History Fact

In Venice during the Renaissance there was a case where a rapist was given the choice of going to jail for six months, paying a fine, or marrying his victim. He chose marriage.

Movie/TV Trivia

Like Facebook, Star Wars was originally prefixed by the definite article ‘The’. Much cleaner without it.

Movie/TV Quote

"Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.'"

Casablanca, 1942

Blame Woody Allen and his 1972 comedy, Play it Again, Sam, for making this the all-time most misquoted movie line in film history.

Conversation Starter

What is something you wish you could do everyday?

Writing Prompt


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