"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
Lao Tzu
Why did the bee marry?
He’s finally found his honey.
Fun Fact
Rabbits can't puke.
Unlike cats or other animals that can cough up hairballs when they digest too much fur and other indigestible materials, rabbits are incapable of spewing. Their digestive system only goes one way, so the furry critters swallow plenty of roughage, which keeps things moving in the right direction.
Reading Fact
Phonics instruction, which teaches the relationship between sounds and letters, is commonly used to help children learn to read.
History Fact
In colonial America pregnant women didn't receive painkillers during delivery because pain was considered God's punishment for Eve's eating the forbidden fruit.
Movie/TV Trivia
There’s a 20 year age gap between Sam Neill and Laura Dern in Jurassic Park, with Laura aged only 26 during filming.
Movie/TV Quote
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."
Airplane, 1980
"I think people remember the line because of Leslie Nielsen’s delivery," Jeff Zucker (who co-wrote the script with his brother David and Jim Abrahamson) tells THR. "The way he said it was exactly what we were going for. We told the actors to pretend they didn’t know they were in a comedy."
Conversation Starter
What keeps you up at night?
Writing Prompt