Daily Quote
"Your Life’s Task is to express your uniqueness through your work."
Robert Greene
Joke of the Day
Why did the tomato blush?
It saw the salad dressing.
Fun Fact
The small indents in the bottom of frozen pizzas are there to prevent air bubbles forming inside the dough.
History Fact
Genghis Khan created one the first international postal systems.
One of the reasons the great Khan’s Mongol army were so lethal is because of their fluid and flexible makeup, as well as their vast communication capabilities.
One of his earliest decrees as Khan was to establish a mounted courier service called the “Yam”.
The “Yam” grew into a military postal service spanning across multiple borders, complete with a network of post houses and waystations across the whole of his Empire.
Movie/TV Trivia
The childish snickering during The Usual Suspects iconic line-up was genuine, caused by Benicio Del Toro’s persistent flatulence.
Movie/TV Quote
"We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about."
Best in Show (2000)
Conversation Starter
What do you bring with you everywhere you go?
Writing Prompt
Weird Laws