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Today's Dippit!

Daily Quote

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

Dalai Lama

Joke of the Day

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?

To make up for his miserable summer.

Fun Fact

Shoe shops used X-Ray machines to measure shoe sizes in the 1940’s before the risks of X-Rays were fully understood.

History Fact

In the 1970s Pol Pot's communist regime brainwashed thousands of Cambodian children into becoming soldiers who committed mass murders and other atrocities.

Movie/TV Trivia

The Most Profitable Film of All Time Is Paranormal Activity

Thanks to its microscopic budget and major success at the box office, the 2007 film Paranormal Activity, scored a return on investment of 19,758 percent, absolutely blowing away the next most profitable film (2015 horror film The Gallows, with an ROI of 6,843 percent). It cost just $60,000 to make and another $400,000 or so to market, yet ultimately brought in more than $89 million.

Movie/TV Quote

"Would that it were so simple."

Hail, Caesar! (2016)

Conversation Starter

What’s your favourite genre of movie?

Writing Prompt

Weird Laws

Kentucky: No dueling

All public officials and attorneys in Kentucky must swear an oath that they “have not fought a duel with deadly weapons” nor acted as a second in another person’s duel. Good to know now; unfortunately, when the oath took effect in 1848, many would-be duelists turned to murderous street brawls instead.


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