Daily Quote
“Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.”
Celine Dion
Joke of the Day
Where does a rat go when it has a toothache?
To the rodentist.
Fun Fact
Rabbits can't puke.
Unlike cats or other animals that can cough up hairballs when they digest too much fur and other indigestible materials, rabbits are incapable of spewing. Their digestive system only goes one way, so the furry critters swallow plenty of roughage, which keeps things moving in the right direction.
History Fact
In colonial America pregnant women didn't receive painkillers during delivery because pain was considered God's punishment for Eve's eating the forbidden fruit.
Movie/TV Trivia
The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
The cast often had to fly to remote shoot locations by helicopter. Sean Bean (Boromir) was afraid of flying, and would only do it when absolutely necessary. When they were shooting the scenes of the Fellowship crossing the snowy mountains, he'd spend two hours every morning, climbing from the base of the mountain, to the set near the top, already dressed as Boromir. The crew being flown up, could see him from their helicopters.
Movie/TV Quote
"If anyone orders merlot, I'm leaving. I am not drinking any fucking merlot!"
Sideways (2004)
Conversation Starter
Which TV show do you want your life to be like?
Writing Prompt
Weird Laws
Texas: Keep litter on aircrafts
It is illegal in Galveston, Texas to throw litter out of an aircraft. Besides, using the blue bins is so much easier.