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Today's Dippit!

Daily Quote

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”

Robert Frost

Joke of the Day

What is a cat's favourite colour?


Fun Fact

Superman didn't always fly.

The original comic book Superman could leap tall buildings in a single bound. But then he had to come right back down to Earth—because he didn't fly. It wasn't until the 1940s, when animators for a new animated series decided it would be too difficult to routinely draw him bending his knees, that it was decided that Superman could take off into the air. Readers got to see smooth animation, and a superhero gained a new power.

History Fact

Thine Mamma

Shakespeare gave us what many see as the perfection of the English sonnet, dozens of new words and phrases that we still use today, and a lasting oeuvre of work that we’re forced to study in high school. He also, in his infinite wisdom, gave us one of the very first ancestors of the “yo mamma” joke:

Demetrius: Villain, what hast thou done?

Aaron: That which thou canst not undo.

Chiron: Thou hast undone our mother.

Aaron: Villain, I have done thy mother.


Movie/TV Trivia


The scenes set in 1912, i.e. the whole movie except the present-day scenes and the opening and ending credits, have a total length of two hours and forty minutes, the exact time it took for Titanic to sink. Also, the collision with the iceberg reportedly lasted 37 seconds, which is how long the collision scene is in the movie.

Movie/TV Quote

"King Kong ain't got shit on me!"

Training Day (2001)

Conversation Starter

What’s the strangest movie you have ever seen?

Writing Prompt

Weird Laws

The Ban on Skirts in Italy

Well, not for everyone, but in Italy, men wearing skirts in public is a serious issue and could lead to an arrest. Guess they have never heard of a Gentleman's Kilt, Izaar, Kaunakes, Lungi or Mundu.


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