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Today's Dippit!

Daily Quote

"I didn't get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it."

Estée Lauder

Joke of the Day

Why did Rudolph have a bad report card?

Because he went down in History!

Fun Fact

Children's medicine once contained morphine.

If you were a baby in the middle of the 1800s and you cried while teething, your parents might have given you Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. This "medicine" claimed that "it soothes the child, it softens the gums, [and] allays all pain." It may have done plenty of soothing, but it was also extremely dangerous—this concoction, like many patent medicines of the time, contained morphine.

History Fact

Lyndon B. Johnson Gave Interviews From the Bathroom

This, for lack of a better word, unapologetic president gave interviews while using the toilet. Presidential biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin describes the impetus: "he just didn't want the conversation to stop."

Movie/TV Trivia


Sir Patrick Stewart lost 21 pounds to play Charles Xavier as elderly and sick. Stewart claimed that he had a steady weight since he was a teenager and had never deliberately lost weight before.

Movie/TV Quote

"You're gonna make it after all."

The Mary Tyler Moore Show

Conversation Starter

What makes you nervous?

Writing Prompt

Weird Laws

It's Illegal to Feed Pigeons in Venice

With thousands of pigeons descending upon Saint Mark's Square and Venice, lured by the the tourists readily handing out food in exchange for Instagram-worthy photos, Venice lawmakers officially made it illegal to feed the pesky fowl in 2008.

It is said the cleanup from the birds cost each citizen €275 per year, so now, the tables are turned. If you're caught feeding the pigeons, you could face fines of up to €700. Better to get the picture-perfect shot of Venice's beautiful bridges instead.

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