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Today's Dippit!


"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success."

Dale Carnegie


I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.

Fun Fact

During the Prohibition era, the U.S. Government allowed Whiskey to be sold through pharmacies. As a result, Walgreens grew from 20 retail stores to almost 400.

History Fact


In the 1980s (a decade before the World Wide Web was created) 25 million people in France went online to bank, check the weather, chat, make reservations, socialize, check stock prices, and even access pornography. They did this not on a personal computer, but on a Minitel terminal, an earlier form of online service.

Movie/TV Trivia

Saving Private Ryan

Tom Sizemore was battling a drug addiction during production. Steven Spielberg gave him an ultimatum that he would be blood tested on the set every day of filming, and if he failed the test once he would be fired and the part of Horvath would be recast and re-shot with someone else, even if it was at the end of production.

Movie/TV Quote

"La-dee-da, la-dee-da."

Annie Hall, 1977

Conversation Starter

If someone gave you an envelope with your death date inside of it, would you open it?

Writing Prompt

It's your character's first day at a new school. He or she wants to get a fresh start, develop a new identity. But in his or her homeroom, your character encounters a kid he or she knows from summer camp...

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