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Today's Dippit!


"You and you alone are the only person who can live the life that can write the story that you were meant to tell."

Kerry Washington


Why couldn't the bicycle stand up?

Because it was two tired!

Fun Fact

A wildlife technician, Richard Thomas, took the famous tongue twister, “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” and calculated a rough estimate of what the answer would actually be. It came out to be around 700 pounds.

History Fact

Lepus Rex

Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, was known as and is still called “The Rabbit of Holland” because he mispronounced the Dutch phrase “King of Holland” and instead said “Iek ben Konijn van Olland” (“I am Rabbit of Holland”) when he took over the Netherlands in 1806. It wasn’t all in jest—he was devoted to the Dutch people and was also known as “Louis the Good.”Lepus Rex

Louis Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, was known as and is still called “The Rabbit of Holland” because he mispronounced the Dutch phrase “King of Holland” and instead said “Iek ben Konijn van Olland” (“I am Rabbit of Holland”) when he took over the Netherlands in 1806. It wasn’t all in jest—he was devoted to the Dutch people and was also known as “Louis the Good.”

Movie/TV Trivia

Bridget Jones's Diary

To prepare for the role, Renée Zellweger gained 25 pounds, and then actually worked at a British publishing company for a month in preparation for the role. She adopted an alias as well as her posh accent and was apparently not recognized. On her desk in this office she kept a framed picture of then boyfriend Jim Carrey. Workers who did not recognize her found this to be odd, but never mentioned it to her for fear of embarrassing her.

Movie/TV Quote

"Soylent Green is people!"

Soylent Green, 1973

Conversation Starter

What do you consider most romantic?

Writing Prompt

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