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Today's Dippit!

Daily Quote

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

Albert Einstein

Joke of the Day

The other day I tried to make a chemistry joke, but got no reaction

Fun Fact

Birds don’t urinate.

Contrary to what most mammals do, birds convert nitrogen to uric acid.

They get rid of this uric acid through the same place as they get rid all their other waste – their anus.

History Fact

The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes.

Fought between Britain and Zanzibar, and known as the Anglo-Zanzibar War, this war occurred on August the 27th, 1896.

It was all over the ascension of the next Sultan in Zanzibar and resulted in a British victory.

Movie/TV Trivia

For his scene in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Charlie Sheen stayed awake for 48 hours to give the desired ‘wasted’ look. To produce the look for his actual life Charlie Sheen hasn’t slept in 14 years.

Movie/TV Quote

"You gotta hear this one song. It'll change your life, I swear."

Garden State (2004)

Conversation Starter

What is your favourite guilty pleasure TV show?

Writing Prompt

Weird Laws


Urban legend says it's a crime in Illinois to possess more than $600 worth of salamanders. That's 75-plus salamanders, according to fair market value.

Food Thing

To add nutrition, a lot of milk, juice, and yogurts enrich the food with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. In other words, your OJ contains fish oil.


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